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Friday, 2 December 2011

I am home ,and nearly all there !!

well here i am ,home .......the experience was
( to say the least) the  most challenging ,difficult ,and may be the best thing i have ever done .I have so many words  to describe it reallly , all very superlative and i still cant get ot in one sentence even !   When i say best experince its more what was involved and yes the wondes of modern   medicine ,a removal  of parietal  meningiomait was a 6cm by 4.5 by ?  ,first time i have looked at those numbers .  It hasnot been instant good affect be and may not be for me time ,if at all ,,as you can see the typing hasnt improved much lol ,!   i have a huge scar,i only saw   it      fr the first time today ,i have put up pics ope     hey dont offend .  i have relifef now from the    headaches     selling ,lots of my symptoms are still here ,one good one gone is the    neglect    of my r arm   i now acknowledge !!!!!as so calm the day of the op too,just could not wait o get into theatres ,i have writtedn a diary of this  which i will transpose on to here over the          weekend i
its another wakeful night here ! part of the not     o good side effects of the drugs !ive had very little  leep for           days,but i just go with it now !   so heres a few pice and       something                   pretty just thought   e gory looking one is on FB ,will work out how to link it tomorrow ,there i am! this is just getting ready to go home ,before i had bandage off ,which i think i said was prettyshocking !    fatty me  omg      the  pills    pile it on     .i missed      my    garden
saturday .    i had one of my garden roses by my bed at all times ,actually mum brougth a couple   to me nice to have a reminder of home.


  1. Good to hear you sounding so positive ;-)) I wish you well and hope you start to feel brighter each day. warm hugs, dee x

  2. Love the picture...what a sweet trooper you are.

    So glad you're doing well and get to go home.

    Sending Love and Prayers.


.Hi there ! All your comments are welcome ,ask me anything you like and I will try to answer ! don't be shy . Have a great day .