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Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Backwards and forwards .......

I've been feeling quite unwell for the last couple of days ,headaches back with a vengence  . I went to my radiation assessment today and I will start after xmas ,treatment for 10 days ,so thats not too bad ,others have much longer ,but I guess they have to be careful when its a brain . The doctor there put me back on a low dose of steroid and I've
been headache free since lunch time .

One more sleep and my J is here ,we are so excited .  My home help starts tomorrow ,so of course I feel I have to clean the house before she comes !  I will let her vaccum though as I do find that difficult still ,somehow the hose becomes wrapped around my weak leg  ,it is so frustrating !

I'm hoping that my new rose will have opened by tomorrow too ,it is a new one that I haven't seen in flower  ,it should be beautiful .

We have wrapped quite a few presents ,and I'm doing the mad shop on Friday , I kept thinking I had more days  left ,oh well it will get done I guess,  plus J will be here to help .   I'm going to try and make a couple of these baby tea  cosy's in the next couple of days , hopefully ! I haven't finished the other one I started though .

baby tea cosy


  1. Thanks for stopping by on my blog and leaving a comment. I look forward to reading about your journey x

  2. Don't clean the house before she comes!! I will also be doing the mad shop on Friday. We went out today and it was so busy, lots of fun though :) xo

  3. Hello Kim - thank you for leaving a comment on my blog. Nice to have a new friend in New Zealand. I have placed a link to your blog because I think it is so lovely. xx

  4. ... and I have vertical blinds in my house too! No curtains at all anywhere. I love the blinds even tho' I am sure people think it strange!

  5. Dear Kim,
    Just a note to say Hello and Happy New Year and I agree that journal writing can be very therapeutic, it helps me sort though and cope with my own emotions and reactions to others, especially for brain tumor survivors like you and me. I go to mild brain injury support group meetings once a week to help me keep my own chronic condition and my "new normal" in better perspective since others do not seem to get how tiring and stressful it is to cope with my short term memory issues, general lethargy and head fatigue and minor visual blurring and balance side effects symptoms since I really look fine. Thinking about living with a brain tumor is depressing, there is no other way around this fact. I really just have to go more slowly and avoid too much stimulation. journaling, listening to good music and daily walking are the best therapies I have found.
    Please visit my personal bt blog at http://gbyay.blogspot.com to read more


.Hi there ! All your comments are welcome ,ask me anything you like and I will try to answer ! don't be shy . Have a great day .