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Friday, 9 December 2011

Too much trouble

Too muh trouble alright , !have        just deleteda whole post!!!!!!!!! i give up on today  i really do,well at least  its omorrow now ! ARGGGGG i'm so over it !
!see too much trouble ,going out ,talking to people , the list goes on today . i think i was just writing       about the saying its'all about me'   that's so true o me at the moment t
s not funny and I loathe it.I'm not that sort of person really at all .  everything and everyone annoyed me today  .   okayi;ll have to keep his short today as my typing and thought s are all over the place ,i had a sleep earlier too . apart from being a B and hating the world ,i cleared out more garden on the neighbours    side huge mess   forgot    to         take pics ,i shouldnt had done it reallly but its done now and looks so much better.

i took a few pices of around    the  place,all the thing s still to do really,though i did another R sided thing and tidied up the TV corner ,took me weeks to figure it out!its bugged me everyday!lol

next to the tv
front terrace
DREss me please ! maybe tomorrow and fix the top of me !
tidy me please!!!!
at leat this looks tidy!