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Thursday, 24 November 2011

paint it white !

had an awsome day painting .its not done great but great for the garage room,i must stop calling it the garage room !  so mich to do still before hospital on monday ,but ill get there! had major second thoughts 2 day ,freaked my mum out i think but al good now  ,this is boun 2 happen .anyway loving my work aroun the place/shed 2 day .  thank  u lovely ladies who hav commented on my page  .i lve tus community ,and to meet talented women such as you is a pleasure.  mist go and do dinner its chiken and chip nite and im starving as per usual!!!!!!!!   michelle ,i wish i could do spell chec hehe but the abilitey has gone it looks like even more doulbl,dutch that now teh words just mix???? lol  ,........i hav a very strange brain !!!!!!!!!! to put it mildly ????!!!!!!

another busy busy day!!!!!!!!!!!

i had a fab day 2 day !  lot more organising  and cleaning oh boy was there cleaning ! i got stuck into the garage again ,heaps of sorting and  throwing out of things ! talk about delutter!!   i got stuk into the conservatory this fternoon ,ive simplified everything!!!   cleaned from top to bottom ,boy did it need it after the winter of my messy head!!  it was really cleansing in more ways than one !!   what a good feeling ,now of couse i want to paint and titivate totally lol  but xmas comes 1st so will mak do  so till fter the silly silly season and to sell some old to buy new!he he  .  ive lots if ideas ,the house and garden mags hav been getting a hammering !!!! latest one out yesterday ,full of goodies !   cant wait to do myxmas decorations!   good head pace all roun 2da ,im sleeping better from wearing my self out cleaning and organising ! so hers my day ,scuse the poor fiming  ,im not so good at inside shots ,i will work on it on tho!!!
so thats my day!!!!!!! feels good too !!!! im in a fab frame of mind 2 nite tired but clm and happy ,. one dayat a timehuh sounds cliched i no but it helps .hav a great day all tomorrow ..............