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Sunday, 22 January 2012

Great weekend ! ......... and Cars , Peonie D uvets and Baby Blue Aprons

I had a fabulous weekend ,
I  socialised, ate lovely food ,had a couple or three  of  baileys on ice!  (very yummy)  and talked and talked to all and sundry about my move ,everyone has said its the best thing so I,m so pleased.   I have this bubble of excitemnt all the time , and I'm feeling so well at the moment  and invincible ! long may that last huh ?considering my moods! although the radiation caused a few problems in that area. I'm a bit annoyed at myself   re my scalp though , as I  seem to have developed another sore spot,   I  can't take the full daily dose of the anti  b's cos of my ileostomy ,so maybe it will take longer to heal,  plus with daily  hair loss  I'm always rubbing the hair away.
We said goodbye to the N issan ,it was my fathers car which he bought brand new in 1989 ,he  gave it to me about 5 years ago ,so     it's  only been in the family ! it was his pride and joy and I  was suprised how teary I  got !   I  know I  won't be driving again, well not for a long time and she needed a bit of work which would have cost more than it  was worth so ............
bye bye nissan
bye bye duvet!

bye bye aprons!
I'm selling a couple of things on Trademe ,trouble is I   only did a 3 day auction which maybe ?  wasn't the best move ,  but  I' m so worried with my memory etc or  getting sick , and not completing trades on time  ,that I figured the shorter the time the better and I  put on very low reserves  lol ,still I, m quite prepared to lose money as thats the gamble you take, so this lovely duvet cover will be gone in a few  days! I  didnt use it a lot at all in  fact, but I  did love it and these gorgeous aprons ,they are as new
I  bought them off a lady on trademe who is probably one of my favourite sellers ever . but I have more and they really just sat in the cupboard ,they are the sweetest though aren't they?    I'm downsizing my linen  cupboard ,and yep probably will fill it up again ! 
I  have so much as I  have been given a lot from mum's and my  aunties as well ,,these wont be sold as most of them are pretty much antique so would like to pass them on .  quite lovely talking with them about the history of the pieces. . I am so nervous as the first auction closes  before 7 this morning,didnt even check the  end time!!and then I changed it once but I  couldn't change the day! to 4 days , lol the things I' ve forgotten,     I  was almost a professional at listing and selling before .I'm going to write down step by step instuctions to follow for this weeks listings and do 4 days.  I  need to mae a few cosy's too ,I  keep saying that don't I ??!!  

******HAVE A GREAT WEEK ******