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Wednesday, 4 January 2012

First post of the New Year .............

Well its been 5 days into this year ,I have been sleeping for most of it !! Had a great New years eve and then a quiet few days recovering!!!  have had some headaches again and very  sleepy ,but feeling better now medication has been upped a bit . Hope everyone had a great start to the year. the pics i took didn't turn out very well ,they are all a bit dark was so dissappointed ! 

I had my first radiation treatment today  ,it was okay ,9 more to go!  it was a bit freaky as the mask was really tight on my face ,but they said that it will loosen up with time . i'm lucky i guess that at this stage im only having 9 sessions ,they are flying in the wind a bit with me as its so rare for the liopsarcoma to go to the brain,and the radiation is prevention in case any little spot is left .I just hope it hasnt had a chance to go anywhere else ,mind you not many more places for it to go!! 

Gosh like everyone i am sick of this weather ,I  haven't been in the garden for days ! hoping for some time tomorrow . My new rose has bloomed though ,  it's a  pretty apricot . Sorry they have ben picked for a couple of days.  Well must get some more sleep , went to sleep early tonight and then woke as usual wide awake .