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Friday, 25 March 2011

Linen ,Lace ,a, clock and a plate...

A few more of my collectables ,I love them all  ,especially my new/old retro alarm clock  ,she is probably 1950's  .  Oh and I still haven't got sanding yet!! had such a lazy day  ,spent most of the afternoon curled up with a book .....bliss.

Fluffing around ......

Instead of starting my sanding of  the bread-bin I have been organising my new crafting bookcase .  My corner of the lounge is now quite crowded but everything is at hand now . My desk always looks like a work in progress so excuse the messy look!  but I'm determined to keep the bookcase in at least some semblance of tidiness.  (yeah right Kim).

Bread bin make-over ..before

I'm starting tomorrow on this bread bin that I picked up at the Sallies for the grand total of $2.00 !

So  here are some before shots and I'll update my progress ,I'll take my time on this one, as I think I overdid it this week so am a bit tired ,and there will be a bit more sanding to be done on her ( can you call a bread bin a her?)  I'll be naming her next!!

Feeling Okay.

I woke up this morning in surprisingly good spirits ,I had a bit of a rough night ,lots going through my head but manged some sleep .  I spent the day pottering about and finished my new decoupage piece ,a little tray .I am really happy with it . I just have to add the little rope handles which are drying ,I painted them a steel grey to match the grey distressing.